Mathematical model of the transmission dynamics of Anthrax disease


  • C. Omeh Department of Mathematics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • G.C.E. Mbah Department of Mathematics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
  • D. Nnaji Department of Mathematics, University of Nigeria,
  • I.G. Ezema Department of Mathematics, State University of Medical and Applied Sciences, Igbo-Eno, Nsukka.
  • A.Y. Danjuma Department of Actuarial Science, Confluence University of Science and Technology, Osara, Nigeria.
  • E.O. Oshilim Department of Mathematics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.


nthrax, athematical model, endemic equilibrium point, EEP, numerical simulation


Anthrax is a deadly disease,that occurs in ruminant animals such as sheep,cattle and others.The human can also contract anthrax when one comes in contact with infected animal or their product like hide,wool and so on.In this paper a system of non-linear differential equation is formulated to describe the transmission dynamics of the disease in human.The model was well formulated and epidemiologically meaningful by showing the positivity of the variables and obtaining the invariant region of the various compartment of the model.The equilibrium analysis[EEP] were also carried out and stability analysis based on the equilibrium points were also carried out. Finally, Numerical simulation was done using MATLAB which helped us to show in one of the graphs that with early treatment,the disease may eventually may be controlled.



How to Cite

Omeh, C. ., Mbah, G. ., Nnaji, D. ., Ezema, I. ., Danjuma, A. ., & Oshilim, E. . (2024). Mathematical model of the transmission dynamics of Anthrax disease. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Modelling, 7(2). Retrieved from